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Tooth Extractions

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Protect Your Gums and Nearby Teeth

There are many common reasons for extraction, most of which require tooth removal to preserve the health of the other teeth and oral structures. Sometimes a dentist can repair a damaged tooth through fillings, root canals, or other dental procedures, but in more severe cases an extraction is the only way to treat a dental condition.

If you are have had a permanent tooth extracted, we offer tooth replacement solutions such as dental implants. The dental implant can sometimes even be placed during the same procedure as a dental extraction. For patients with many teeth missing or in need of extraction, we offer the incredible 4-Hour Smile procedure to completely restore your smile.

Do I Need a Tooth Pulled?

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may need to have a tooth extracted. It’s important to attend regular dental checkups, so that any problems can be detected early and your dentist can refer you to an oral surgeon when needed.

  • Tooth decay or severe infection. When a tooth has decayed to an extent that makes it impossible to save the tooth through fillings, root canals, or other restorative procedures, an extraction may be necessary to prevent the damage from spreading to your healthy teeth.
  • Tooth damage or injury. When a tooth is broken beyond repair from a facial injury or other accident, sometimes removal is the only solution.
  • Dental crowding. If teeth are overcrowded together, or if you have extra teeth growing into your mouth, removing a tooth may be necessary to allow other teeth to align properly.
  • Periodontal disease (gum disease). Gum disease can affect the tissue and bone beneath the gums, causing the teeth to become loose in severe cases. If the teeth are too loose in their sockets, extraction may be the only viable treatment option.
  • Baby teeth. If a child’s baby teeth do not fall out in time, they may need to be removed to make space for the adult teeth to grow in.

Tooth Extraction Procedure

Dentists typically refer patients to oral surgeons if a tooth needs to be extracted in general, for more complicated extractions, or because oral surgeons offer anesthesia and sedation options. Our office will also take 3D CBCT scans to get a clear picture of your teeth and oral health.

Most patients undergo either local or IV anesthesia during a tooth extraction. Some teeth can simply be removed with forceps, while others may need to be broken into pieces first. A bone graft may be placed in the empty socket to preserve the structure of your jaw. If you are receiving a dental implant, the implant post may be inserted immediately after the tooth is extracted.

Hear From Tooth Extraction Patients

These patients can tell you about the firsthand experience undergoing tooth extraction at our office.

Reviews From Our Tooth Extraction Patients

Darrel Reviews His Tooth Extraction Procedure
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Darrell is a facial trauma testimonial
Tooth Extraction

"The people here at Amarillo Oral Surgery are absolutely amazing. The staff are excellent and the doctors are top-notch. The doctors here really treat me like family—very cordial, very friendly. My experience has been wonderful with these people. For anyone with any oral surgery needs, please come to Amarillo Oral Surgery."

Chad Reviews His Tooth Extraction Procedure
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Chad underwent a tooth extraction at AOMS
Tooth Extraction

"I actually had a little pain in my tooth, and I went to my dentist—my local dentist—and she said everything was fine. So then I went to my local practitioner, and he said everything’s wrong with your ear. Went and saw an ear, nose, and throat doctor, and she said my ear was fine, no problems, that I needed to see a neurologist and go to the ER. So, I went to a neurologist; wanted to say that I had all sorts of stuff, and so I ended up coming to Dr. Wilkinson, and we sat down and reviewed everything, and he goes, “Okay, let me take a look at this.” He goes, “I think that you have a cracked tooth, which is leading to your nerve, which is having all the pain.” And we went in and had an extraction, and he pulled the tooth, and everything’s fine. Dr. Wilkinson was great; he was fabulous. We just went in, and he’s like the miracle worker to solve all your problems."

Other Questions? We’re Here to Help

If you have questions about a procedure, financing, or anything else, please reach out to us at any time. Our team is here to help, and we look forward to caring for you and your loved ones.